Sunday 28 April 2013

7. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

7. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

For my media product, a film, we have used a wide variety of technological processes to construct the film.

These consisted of:
- Digital Camera
- iPhone Camera
- Digital Video Camera
- Scanner
- Internet Explorer
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Powerpoint
- Tripod
- Final Cut
- Live Type

And many more, below I have constructed  a mind map using '' to present all the sites we used via internet explorer to help us in the process of constructing our film.

The mind map shows what sites we used from internet explorer which helped us make our blogs more creative and innovative to look at so that they didn't just consist of the same bland posts continuously.

Google and We Hear It were two sites which we used to get images off to post in various places within my blog and continuously using for inspiration and ideas.

Lino and Padlet were sites which we used to produce posts which just contained various amounts of texts and sometimes pictures on a single page.

Author Stream, Slide Share, Animoto, Slide Rocket were sites we used to create powerpoints and put online and contain text, images, and often videos.

Survey Monkey was a site we used to create a survey and then analyse these results which we got and see what this meant for our target audience ideas.

Gmail is the email service we used to email casting directors when the need occurred. 

Polyvore is a site we used to create outfit combinations for our characters.

Wordle and Tagxedo are word generating sites which we used to make words look more creative and colourful to look at when describing certain things.  is a site we used to create mind maps.

XtraNormal, Voki, Go Animate and Pixton were sites we used to make visual animations which often spoke, Pixton was one which created a storyboard however but we could still incorporate visual animations into them.

Thursday 25 April 2013

3. kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

3. kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We really feel that Lionsgate is the best company to distribute are film. They are a very successful company and so we know are film has a great chance of earning a large profit at the box office. All of Lionsgate films are succesfull and so we are confident with the company. We know that Lionsgate will work hard to get are film distributed. Below is the Lionsgate Logo.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Social Groups by isabelle.britton on GoAnimate

Animated Presentations - Powered by GoAnimate.

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Analyzing the day of filming

The filming day as a whole was a success. We managed to film are film in one day which was are target. Even though we completed the film within the time frame and got all the shots we need I feel that there is still room for improvement. I have created a table below about the good and bad elements of the filming process.

Whilst we had planned everything for the day of the filming, when the day came we were unprepared and the filming was a last minuet rush. There were many reasons for this. There was a disagreement in are group and so two of the moments wasn't speaking for a while and so we couldn't film during that period. Another issue we found was that a lot of the days some of us could film on the other group members couldn't. In the future we should plan a shooting day in advance so that we can all make sure that we are free for that day. Due to the fact that we left it last minuet we also had trouble getting the equipment and because of this we couldn't use the camera that we wanted to originally use. There also wasn't any tripods that we could use and this we found was a big issue because we couldn't really keep the camera steady. Even though we filmed last minuet, we managed to film and edit the film within two days and this is something we are really proud of. Whilst there is still a lot of room for improvement I feel that the film we have produced was very good for the time frame.

Casting Raife/ Will

Name: Joseph Garratt
Age: 17
Contact Details:
Mobile: 0863746****
Joe Garratt fitted the description for Raife really well. Joe has had a lot of acting experiance which is something that really went in his favour. Whilst experiance wasnt neccasary we feel that he will make the filming process run a lot smoother. Joe has been in many school plays and so his confidence will be visable on screen. His hair is smart and this is one of the qualities we wanted Raife to have. Joe's audition was very well and one of the things that stood out was his personality. Whilst Jo is very level headed he can have a laugh and as a director I feel this is somthing we need on set. After Joe got through the first audition we put him for a scree test. This would allow us to see how he would react with the camera being aroundf and it would allow us to see what he would look like from and audiances point of view. Joe had a great onscreen appearance. He really dominated the frame. He was very well at potraying his feelings and emotions through non verbal communication and this is somthing that would be really great for our film. I am happy with this casting.

Casting Nancy

Name: Lucy Dale
Age: 17
Contact Details:
Mobile: 076547*****
Lucy meets the requirments for our film. She is middle hight and when she dresses up she can get away with playing an older character. Lucy hasnt had any experiance in acting before and so when casting her it was a bit of a risk. We found that when audition Lucy she was very natural with her performance and this is something we really wanted. Lucy has a calm, soft voice which is something we wanted the character Nancy to have. Whilst she isnt that tall we came to the opinion that she could be wearing heels to make herself look taller. Once Lucy went through our first audition we did a screen test on her to see how she would look on screen. With this we were able to see that she had a strong onscreen presence and this is somthing we really needed. Nancy is the main character and so her emotions would have to be potrayed to the audiance very well. We are please with our casting.


These are a few picture of some backstage shots of the day we filmed the opening sequence.